Accepted Waste Types
View the wide range of mixed construction & demolition waste materials we accept. Contact our sales team today to enquire about the most convenient disposal options for your next project. Contact Us
Our waste disposal guidelines
Waste Materials Suitable for our recycling facility
Our licensed waste transfer & recycling facility accepts a wide variety of construction & demolition waste materials.
Accepted Items
Our recycling facility accepts the following waste materials.
Asphalt Clean
Clean Asphalt loads consist of large or small asphalt pieces of clean excavated slab asphalt.
Asphalt Dirty
Dirty Asphalt loads may contain a mixture of asphalt and some road base or dirt fines and must contain less than 40% fines material.
Clean Brick
Clean Brick includes brick of any variety or type, containing minimal fines material and steel. Clean Brick does not contain contaminants such as timber, paper or plastic.
Clean Concrete
Clean concrete (less than 700x700mm) containing some steel with minimal dirt or other fines material (less than approximately 20%). Clean concrete contains no foreign contaminants such as paper, cardboard or timber although may contain minor plastics.
Construction and Demolition Waste
Mixed waste loads containing materials typically generated through the construction and or demolition of residential or commercial projects – loads may contain materials such as timber, steel, cardboard, concrete/brick mixed, tile, dirt & plastics etc.
Dirty Bricks
Dirty Brick includes brick of any variety containing steel and dirt or other suitable fines material. Dirty Brick may also contain minor amounts of unwanted contaminants such as timber, paper or plastic.
Dirty Concrete
Dirty concrete loads consist of concrete and steel mixed and may contain up to 40% approx. dirt or other fines material. Dirty concrete loads may also contain minor amounts of unwanted contaminants such as timber, paper, plastics or cardboard.
Fill and Sand Clean
Clean excavated natural material such as sand, soil, dirt, sandstone and shale consisting of 40% or more dirt or fines material. Loads must not contain foreign contaminants such as timber or plastics although may contain minor traces of concrete brick or asphalt.
Rock - Clean and Dirty
Clean & dirty rock varieties accepted up to 700 x 700mm in size. Dirty rock may contain some traces of dirt, clay or rock fines.
Cost-Incurring Items
Additional Cost for these Waste Types
Prohibited Items
Our recycling facility does not accept any of the following waste materials.
Asbestos or Fibre Cement Sheeting
Dangerous Goods
General Food Waste
Hazardous Materials
Shotcrete Embedded with Fibre Reinforcement